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  • Do you suffer daily from constant pain?

  • Is it affecting your quality of life?

  • Has your pain prevented you from doing the things you love?

Now you can do something about it!

Learn self-hypnosis to easily and effectively manage your post-op pain.

Schedule an online sessions with Dr. Allen today.

The MindWise Protocol

As a retired surgeon, I have a very unique perspective on pain. Why? Because I not only had to manage my patients' post-operative pain, but I had to manage my own chronic pain drug-free after a life-threatening accident.


Everything you have been told or think you know about pain is wrong. Your body is the most powerful pharmacy known to mankind, and hypnosis is the most effective way to access this. In fact, decades of medical literature support hypnosis for pain management and other medical conditions, as well as medical associations worldwide.

Medical literature and various governmental agencies (e.g., Center of Disease Control ( have mandated the use of non-pharmacological therapy and non-opioid pharmacological therapy as a first line of treatment for chronic pain. However, they haven’t provided healthcare providers with any valid options, so physicians have their hands tied and are confused and frustrated on how to care for their patients.

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"As a surgeon, I see pain from a different perspective than the majority of the population because I not only had to manage my patients' acute post-operative pain, but I also had to learn how to manage my own chronic pain, drug-free, after a life-threatening accident."

Therefore, I created the MindWise Protocol for Drug-Free Pain Management, a hypnosis technique used to control the pain centers of the body. It is just as effective as narcotic and non-narcotic pain medications, works faster, and has no side effects, unlike prescription medications.


I’ve repeatedly used this protocol to help those suffering from chronic pain and for post-operative pain control. Now, let me teach you how to self-manage your pain so you are not dependent upon prescription medications.


Chronic Pain

Unless someone is suffering from chronic pain, they can't understand the agony you experience; even your doctors can’t. It not only is physically debilitating, it also negatively impacts your personal relationships, work performance, as well as your income and finances.


The world has been conditioned to believe that the only way to manage chronic pain is through strong narcotic and non-narcotic medications. This could not be further from the truth.


The truth is that chronic pain can be managed effectively drug free. I’ve been doing it for years, and I’d like to teach you how to manage your pain without dependency on prescription medications.


Acute Post-Op Pain

Do you have an upcoming surgery? Are you anxious about being in pain?

Repeatedly, the MindWise Protocol has been proven to effectively control post-operative pain in even the most painful surgeries, thus reducing the need for narcotic prescriptions.

In just a few sessions prior to surgery, you can be prepared to effectively manage your own pain post-operatively and reduce your dependency on narcotics.

Online Sessions

After a few online sessions from the comfort of your home, you will be able to manage your pain within minutes, anytime, anywhere, with this simple-to-learn, easy-to-do protocol.


Read the testimonials, and you’ll see how physicians and clients are amazed at how effective this drug-free method is at erasing pain in minutes.


With the use of the MindWise Protocol and the help of your doctor, you may be able to decrease your need for pain medications or possibly even eliminate them.


Schedule a session to become empowered to manage your own pain with the MindWise Protocol.

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